It is expected that any class implemented in Python will occupy a single
module. So, for example, if we have a class called DataStore
by convention we would put it in a module called
To access the class we would do import DataStore
and then
create an instance using code like store =
where the ellipsis stands for any
arguments we might pass.
But what happens if our class has some very large methods? Or lots or methods? Or both? Personally, I prefer to keep my modules under 1,000 lines, but larger classes—such as those that provide an application's data storage or a top-level window in a GUI application—can easily run to well over 1,000 lines. Fortunately, thanks to Python's flexibility and meta-programming support (don't worry, the code is short and straightforward!) we can keep our modules to a managable size by spreading a class over as many files as we like.
Probably the most common approach to spreading a class's code over multiple files is to use subclassing, with the base class in one module, and the (or each) subclass, in its own separate module. This works fine when there is a logical division of functionality into a base class/subclass hierarchy, but isn't suitable for cases where all the functionality needs to be at the same level, which is the case this article addresses.
We'll start with our “large” module, and then look at a very simple way to spread its code over multiple files. This first way has some disadvantages, so we'll then show a second way that uses a tiny bit of meta-programming, then a third way that is what I actually used to use in practice, and finally the “definitive” technique I now use. (Skip to the definitive way.)
First though, our “large” module:
class DataStore:
... # lots of other methods ...
def bigMethod(self):
... # lots of lines
def hugeMethod(self):
... # lots of lines
Overall, this module is too big and we'd rather split it up. A simple solution is to delegate the work to functions in a separate module. For example:
import _DataStore
class DataStore:
... # lots of other methods ...
def bigMethod(self):
state = ... # accumulate all the necessary state
def hugeMethod(self):
state = ... # accumulate all the necessary state
def bigMethod(state):
... # lots of lines
def hugeMethod(state):
... # lots of lines
I've called the supporting module
to indicate
that is a private version of
, but that's just my
personal convention. (When I spread a class over multiple files I add
more description, for example,
, etc.)
Unfortunately, there are a couple of disadvantages to this approach. Firstly, every method call to a delegated method becomes a method call plus a function call. The overhead of this should be insignificant though, because we normally use the technique for big methods anyway. (But it does preclude our use of small or fast methods that are used a lot.) Also, we have to pass the instance's state to give the function access to the class's methods and the instance's data.
import _DataStore
class DataStore:
... # lots of other methods ...
def bigMethod(self):
def hugeMethod(self):
# self is a DataStore
def bigMethod(self):
... # lots of lines
def hugeMethod(self):
... # lots of lines
Here we've solved the problem of passing state by simply passing
to the functions. But we still have the
delegation—it would be nice to get rid of that, and in fact we can
do so by using a little bit of meta-programming.
import Lib
import _DataStore
(_DataStore.bigMethod, _DataStore.hugeMethod))
class DataStore:
... # lots of other methods ...
def add_functions_as_methods(functions):
def decorator(Class):
for function in functions:
setattr(Class, function.__name__, function)
return Class
return decorator
Here we've used a class decorator that given a sequence of functions,
adds each one to the decorated class as a method. So now, there's no
need for delegation and our DataStore
class has its
and hugeMethod()
methods even though they
are implemented in a separate
I don't like having to name all the functions that are to become methods
when I call the class decorator, so my convention is to create a
variable at the end of the private module(s) that
lists the functions to be used by the class decorator.
import Lib
import _DataStore
class DataStore:
... # lots of other methods ...
# self is a DataStore
def bigMethod(self):
... # lots of lines
def hugeMethod(self):
... # lots of lines
functions = (bigMethod, hugeMethod)
Of course, it would be nicer if we didn't have to remember to populate
the functions
list at the end. Also it would be nice to be able
to distinguish between functions that are to be added to a class as
methods and their helpers. Here is my original code which works, but is
rather simple and slightly inconvenient.
def add_functions_as_methods(functions):
def decorator(Class):
for function in functions:
setattr(Class, function.__name__, function)
return Class
return decorator
def register_function(sequence, function):
return function
import functools
import Lib
functions = []
register_function = functools.partial(
Lib.register_function, functions)
# self is a DataStore
def bigMethod(self):
... # lots of lines
def hugeMethod(self):
... # lots of lines
Here, I've added a new function to the Lib
module that is used
as a decorator and modified the private _DataStore
module to
make use of it. Rather unusually, instead of returning a modified
function, the decorator returns the original function unchanged, but as
a side-effect, adds the function to the given sequence—in this
case the functions
list. The imports and two extra statements
at the start of the private _DataStore
are boilerplate that can
be copied verbatim; then all that's needed is to use the
decorator for any functions that are
ultimately to be added as methods. (Incidentally, the public
module itself requires no changes.)
Although the example only spreads the class over two files, the technique can easily be used to spread a class over as many files as required. Each supplementary module should have the boilerplate code near the start, i.e.,
import functools
import Lib
functions = []
register_function = functools.partial(
Lib.register_function, functions)
In addition, each function to be used as a method will need the
decorator, and of course, for each of these
modules the main module needs an extra
statement to be added in front of the class
Here's what used to be my definitive version.
Since originally writing this article I've used this technique quite a lot, and I've now refined and simplified it. First up are the improved library functions, then we'll see them in use.
def add_methods_from(*modules):
def decorator(Class):
for module in modules:
for method in getattr(module, "__methods__"):
setattr(Class, method.__name__, method)
return Class
return decorator
def register_method(methods):
def register_method(method):
return method # Unchanged
return register_method
The add_methods_from()
function takes any number of modules and
for each one adds any methods that have been registered with the class
it is used to decorate.
import Lib
import _DataStore
@Lib.add_methods_from(_DataStore) # Don't need to specify which methods.
class DataStore: # Can pass multiple modules.
def __init__(self):
self._a = 1
self._b = 2
self._c = 3
def small_method(self):
return self._a
We can have as many add_methods_from()
decorators as we like,
or we can just use one with multiple modules, e.g.,
@Lib.add_methods_from(_DataStoreLoad, _DataStoreSave)
# _DataStore
import Lib
__methods__ = [] # self is a DataStore
register_method = Lib.register_method(__methods__)
def big_method(self):
return self._b
def huge_method(self):
return self._c
We must provide a __methods__
list since the
function depends on it. Notice that we
don't use partial function application any more (in fact, it wasn't
needed before, but I hadn't noticed at the time).
Thanks to Garry
Herron's post on the comp.lang.python
newsgroup, I now use a much simpler, cleaner approach: mixins. These are
classes that have no data of their own—only methods—so
although you inherit them, you never have to call super()
them, and they “just work”. Nor do we need any library functions, since
Python supports this out of the box.
import _DataStore
class DataStore(_DataStore.Mixin): # Could inherit many more mixins
def __init__(self):
self._a = 1
self._b = 2
self._c = 3
def small_method(self):
return self._a
Our mixin classes must not have an __init__
or store any
data—but they have full access to self
and its
data of course.
class Mixin:
def big_method(self):
return self._b
def huge_method(self):
return self._c
Simpler, and nicer—and pure Python. However, some posters on the newsgroup felt that other approaches would be better, e.g., Steven D'Aprano's reply importing into a class. In fact, nowadays, I tend to just use pure delegation.
For more see Python Programming Tips
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