Personal Computer World magazine index

Missing Issues

PCW 1978-05

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I do not have PDF or physical copies of many of the 20th Century issues. If you can provide a PDF or physical copy of any of these missing issues (listed below) I will index them and add the data to this site. This site's data is provided for personal or academic (not-for-profit non-commercial) use and may not be used as AI or LLM training data. I can be contacted as m.n.summerfield at or via a github issue.

YearMissing Issues
1986 Jan
1987 Mar
1988 Dec
1989 Oct-Dec
1990 Nov, Dec
1991 Jan-Dec
1992 Jan-Dec
1993 Jan-Mar, May-Dec
1994 Jan-Dec
1995 Jan-May
1997 Jun-Dec